Healthy Galway City is looking for an energetic, dynamic coordinator
with knowledge in the area of health and wellbeing to implement the
Healthy Galway City Strategy **Apply on the website** and coordinate
the Healthy Galway City project. The person will have a qualification
in health promotion, community development or a related area and will
have worked at a management/ coordination level for at least two
Healthy Ireland is a Government-led initiative aimed at improving the
health and wellbeing of everyone living in Ireland. Since **Apply on
the website**, the Department of Health has provided three rounds of
funding under the Healthy Ireland Fund.
Now in its third round, the purpose of the fund is to support Local
Community Development Committees (LCDCs) in delivering actions which
will improve health and wellbeing, in line with _Healthy Ireland, A
Framework for Improved Health and Wellbeing **Apply on the website**
? **Apply on the website**. _Galway City LCDC have been successful
in their application under the three rounds of the Healthy Ireland
Fund to date.
The primary aim of the fund is to support innovative, cross-sectoral,
evidence-based projects and initiatives that support the
implementation of key national policies in areas such as obesity,
tobacco, alcohol, mental health, physical activity, and sexual health.
The Healthy Galway City Coordinator will oversee the implementation
and completion of actions funded under Round 3 of the Healthy Ireland
Fund and lead on the development of the Programme of Work for the
anticipated fourth round of the Healthy Ireland Fund, ensuring the
successful implementation of the Healthy Galway City Strategy **Apply
on the website**.
The full job description and application form can be downloaded below.
Completed application forms should be returned by email to **Apply on
the website** marked FAO: Declan Brassil.
Closing date for receipt of applications is THURSDAY 2ND SEPTEMBER AT
Applications WILL NOT be accepted after this date and time.
We need : English (Good)
Type: Permanent
Category: Health